Account billing and packages
Realtime API and client libraries
REST API and client libraries
Ably error codes
Account and app setup and configuration
Ably architecture, transports, and security
Performance and Redundancy
Push Notifications
Migrating to Ably from an existing service
I've hit a connection limit, what does this mean?
This means you've had enough concurrent connections to surpass your limit or hit a warning. Connections are counted for each instance of the Ably library connected to Ably.
There are three types of connection limits you can hit:
- connections.warning - when you reach 80% of your quota
- connections.soft - when your quota has been exceeded.
If you are on a free package, this is just a warning in case you wish to upgrade to a paid package in order to have a higher quota.
If you are on a Self Service (legacy),Business(legacy) or Enterprise package, you may then be charged at your overage rate for exceeding your connection limit for extended periods of time. You can find details on your pricing via your account dashboard. - connections.hard - when the hard limit on the account has been exceeded, no more connections can be made to Ably until some of the existing ones disconnect.
If you need the ability to have more connections, we recommend you upgrade your account.
If you're certain you shouldn't be hitting your connections limit, make sure you're not instantiating an Ably library multiple times.