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Common issues
Ably error codes
Client errors
Server errors
Integration Errors
Connection Errors
Channel Errors
Spaces errors
Control API errors
Push notification errors
Account and app setup and configuration
Accounts and apps
Keys and tokens
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Transports and connections
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Message Queues
Migrating to Ably from an existing service
Migrating from PubNub
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Migrating from Socket.io
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Ably FAQs
Ably error codes
Account billing and packages
Committed Use
SLA & Uptime Guarantees
Contacting us
Architectural Advice
Realtime API and client libraries
Platform support
Common issues
Device support
Development tools
Subscribing and publishing
Namespaces and naming
Metadata and statistics
REST API and client libraries
Common issues
Ably error codes
Client errors
Server errors
Integration Errors
Connection Errors
Channel Errors
Spaces errors
Control API errors
Push notification errors
Account and app setup and configuration
Accounts and apps
Keys and tokens
User management
Account maintenance
Ably architecture, transports, and security
Transports and connections
Protocol support and protocol adapters
Data centres
Ably architecture design
Performance and Redundancy
Redundancy & reliability
Push Notifications
Common questions
Events, Webhooks and Functions
Message Queues
Migrating to Ably from an existing service
Migrating from PubNub
Migrating from Pusher
Migrating from Socket.io
Ably error codes
Details on how to handle certain errors, and what they mean
Error 40125 - maximum number of rules per application exceeded
Error code: 20000 - General Error Code
Error code: 10000 - No Error
Explanation of metrics in rate limit errors
Generic timeout or connection failure errors
Invalid error code
Unknown error code
Error code: 40127 - maximum number of keys per application exceeded
See more
Client errors
Error code: 40003 - invalid parameter value
Error code: 40000 - Bad request
Error code: 40001 - Invalid request body
Error code: 40005 - Invalid credentials
Error code: 40006 - Invalid Connection ID
Error code: 40009 - Maximum message length exceeded
Error code: 40010 - Invalid Channel Name
Error code: 40012 - Invalid client ID
Error code: 40013 - Invalid Message Data or Encoding
Error code: 40030 - Invalid publish request (unspecified)
Error code: 40032 - Invalid publish request (impermissible extras field)
Error code: 40100 - Unauthorized
Error Code: 40101 - Invalid credentials
Error code: 40102 - Incompatible Credentials
Error code: 40103 - Invalid use of Basic auth over non-TLS transport
Error Code: 40104 Timestamp not current
Error Code: 40105 Nonce value replayed
Error code: 40111 - Connection Limits Exceeded
Error code: 40112 - Account blocked (message limits exceeded)
Error code: 40114 - Account wide peak channel limit exceeded
Error code: 40115 - Account restricted (request limit exceeded)
Error code: 40131 - Key revoked
Error code: 40142 - Token expired code
Error code: 40143 - Token unrecognised
Error Code: 40144 - Unexpected error decoding JWT; decode exception
Error code: 40160 - action not permitted
Error code: 40161 - Access denied to channel: namespace requires identified clients
Error code: 40171 - No means provided to renew auth token
Error code: 40300 - Forbidden
Error code: 40330 - Unable to activate account due to placement constraint (unspecified)
Error code: 40331 - Unable to activate account due to placement constraint (incompatible environment)
Error code: 40332 - Unable to activate account due to placement constraint (incompatible site)
Error code: 40400 - Not found
Error code: 42910 - Rate limit exceeded; request rejected
Error code: 42911 - Maximum account-wide instantaneous messages rate exceeded
Error 40106 - Unable to obtain credentials from given parameters
Error code 40170 - error from client token callback
Error code 40016 - Invalid message name
Error code: 42922 - Rate limit exceeded; too many requests
Error code : 40133 - Wrong key; cannot revoke tokens with a different key to the one that issued them
Error code : 40141 - Token Revoked
Error code: 40020 in REST Response
Error code: 40017 - Unsupported protocol version or Invalid API version specified
See more
Server errors
Error code: 500 - Internal error
Error code: 42912 - Channel iteration call already in progress
Error 40011 - Stale ring state
Error code: 50000 - Internal error
Error code: 50001- Internal channel error
Error code: 50003 - Timeout error
Error code: 50002 - Internal connection error
Error code: 50305 - Ably's routing layer was unable to service this request
See more
Integration Errors
Error code: 70002 - Reactor operation failed (post operation returned unexpected code)
Error code: 70001 - Reactor operation failed (post operation returned unexpected code)
Error code: 72000 - Ingress operation failed
Error code: 72002 - Ingress table is unhealthy
Error code: 72003 - Ingress cannot connect to database
Error code: 72007 - Unable to store change stream resume token
Error code: 72004 - Ingress cannot identify channel, no _ablyChannel field
Error code: 72006 - Unable to resume from change stream
Error code: 72005 - Ingress invalid pipeline
See more
Connection Errors
Error code : 80018 - Invalid connection id (invalid format)
Error code: 80000 - Connection failed
Error code: 80002 - Connection suspended
Error code: 80003 - Generic Disconnection Error
Error code: 80008 - Unable to recover connection (connection expired)
Error code: 80016 - Operation on superseded connection
Error code: 80017 - Connection closed
Error code: 80019 - Auth Server Rejecting Request
Error code: 80021 - Max New Connections Rate Exceeded
Error code 80022 - Unable to find connection
Error code 80014 - connection timed out
Error code: 80020 - Continuity loss due to maximum subscribe message rate exceeded
Error code: 40311 - operation requires tls connection
See more
Channel Errors
Error 91003 - maximum member limit exceeded
Error 90003 - unable to recover channel (messages expired)
Error code: 90001 - Channel operation failed (invalid channel state)
Error code: 90007 - Channel didn't attach within 00:00:10
Error code: 90010 - Maximum number of channels per connection exceeded
Error code: 90021 - Max Channel Creation Rate Exceeded
Error code: 91000 - Unable to enter presence channel (no clientId)
Error code: 91001 - Unable to enter presence channel (invalid channel state)
Error code: 91005 - Presence state is out of sync
Error code: 90004 - unable to recover channel (message limit exceeded)
See more
Spaces errors
Error code 101000 - Space name missing
Error code 101001 - Not entered space
Error code 101002 - Lock request exists
Error code 101003 - Lock is locked
Error code 101004 - Lock invalidated
See more
Control API errors
Error code 40022 - Invalid resource
Error 71302 - No subscription to this product found for account
Token request signing call returned error
Push notification errors
Error code: 61002 - Activation failed: Present clientId is not compatible with existing device registration
Error code: 40015 - Invalid device id